The registration process with the Land Registry continues in the midst of the health crisis
08-05-2020 15:32
The Hellenic Land Registry in total conformity with the emergency measures adopted by the Greek government in order to protect citizens from COVID-19 disease, has implemented new procedures and measures in order to continue serving citizens through the Land Registry Offices throughout Greece. All interested citizens can contact the Call Center of the Hellenic Land Registry at the telephone numbers 210 6505600 and 1015 or by e-mail at the electronic address [email protected], in order to be referred to the competent Land Registry Office for the processing of their case. The personal presence of citizens at the Land Registry Offices is allowed only in case their case cannot be processed through the telephone or electronically. Citizens, who have to visit the competent Land Registry Offices in person in order for their cases to be processed, must first contact such Land Registry Offices and set an appointment for a specific day and time, which will be confirmed via e-mail or sms.